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Designer Notes:
The Weka is a 3-4” class racing frame designed to keep up with the fastest racers in the world. Its compactness and light weight make its responsiveness in tight corners unparalleled. Compatible with both analog, and HDZero video systems, traditional and diamond AIO stacks, and a wide selection of motors, you can build your frame to perfectly suit your needs.
Here are some of the favorite build specs from test pilots:
6S High Performance Build
Motors: 2004, 2000-2100kv
Props: 4in
Battery: 650mAh 6S LiHV
Stack: 25x25mm AIO
Video System: Analog
4S Intermediate Build
Motors: 1404 or 16mm stator
Battery: 850mAh 4S LiHV
Video System: Analog or Digital
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