This is an open-source frame which we provide the carbon fiber and hardware. A purchase is not a purchase of a product, but a request for cutting the parts. Normal cutting time is about 3 days from the time of order but can be affected when there is a high cutting volume in the shop. Frame details and files for the 3d printed parts can be found at the Thingiverse links below. For details on the frame, please make sure to check the links as we are not the designer and not responsible if the frame is not what you expected. If you have any questions, you can message us and we will do our best to answer.
We have the 7" version of the frame from the link and also a 9" version which Rick Caudle (SSBelmont) of SouthEast FPV.
The frame comes with 3.0mm thick plates and 6mm CF thick arms for the 7" version. For the 9" version, the arms are 8mm CF. The kit also includes
For the 3d printed parts, I would recommend
Note: We are not the designer and are not responsible if the frame is not as you want. We only cut the files provided and its your responsibility you do your research the frame before purchasing. Frames are all custom cut to order after payment is made. If you have any questions or concerns, please message us at
[email protected], and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. It is also suggested to check the Facebook groups or contact the designer if you have any other questions.
If you cannot find what you are looking for and want to design your own, we would be happy to help and provide a custom quote.
Files lasted updated with Cncmadness on Dec 20, 2021