Flying Squirrel is a 6" frame designed by Straw Hat Aerial
This is an open source frame. We provide the manufacturing to order and provide as a kit. Included are the carbon fiber parts and assembling hardware. 3D printed parts are not provided. Most production times are about 3 - 5 days, but can be affected by work load at the time of the order. Any questions or concerns, please message us at [email protected]
For any 3d printing needed for the frame, files can be found at the 3D Print files tab. Please check out and they can help with having anything you need printed.
Note: We are not the designer and are not responsible if the frame is not as you expected. We only cut the files provided from the designer or from the source files links. It's your responsibility to research the frame before purchasing. Frames are all custom cut and are started once an order is placed. If you have any questions or concerns, please message us at [email protected], and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. It is also suggested to check if you have any other questions.
If you cannot find what you are looking for and want to design your own, we would be happy to help out and provide a custom quote.
Files lasted updated with Cncmadness on Dec 20, 2024
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